Cuban Salsa Casino Rueda


The Ruedastandard is a collection of classic figures in Cuban rueda de casino. Figures that you commonly need to know to join a social rueda. Click on the figure name for explanation and video of the figure, or on the headlines to see lists of figures by category.

Printable list history


  1. Salsa Rueda Festival
  2. Salsa Rueda Moves
  3. Rueda Cuban Salsa

Closed position


In closed position the couples dance quite close, like in traditional couples dance. It is quite common to start a rueda in closed position.

Open position

Side by side




In open position the couple is connected with one hand (men/leaders left hand and women/followers right hand).

Guapeais the basic step in open position. Most rueda figures start from this position.

Some figures with the partners side by side, for example in a partner change with “dame una”.

Video playlist:



When you know the basics of rueda, it is time to have a look at the rueda culture and directions.

Closed position

  • aguajea / paseala / adentro y afuera

Open position


  • cero


Side by side

Rueda al medio

  • cubanito, cubanita:
  • enchufla y al medio
    • hombres derecha y mujeres izquierda

Rueda caminando

  • a lo cortico
  • cadena

Street Rueda

In the al medio position everyone is facing the center. In this position, direction may be given by derecha(= right) or izquierda (= left), in stead of arriba / abajo.Caminando means walking. These figures keep the rueda rotating continously. Rotation may be speeded up by calling camina!, anda!, vamos!.Street rueda (rueda de la calle) refers to easy rueda figures, tobe picked up in a social rueda. Not typical dance school figures,

Video playlist:



Cuban Salsa Leuven, The first 100% Cuban salsa dance school in Leuven! It is the only dance school in Leuven dedicated exclusively to Cuban dances and committed to teaching authentic Cuban salsa. RUEDA DE CASINO - THE MORE THE BETTER. Casino can be danced in couples but also in a group. The later form of dance is called Rueda de Casino. The Ruedastandard is a collection of classic figures in Cuban rueda de casino.Figures that you commonly need to know to join a social rueda. Click on the figure name for explanation and video of the figure, or on the headlines to see lists of figures by category. La Clave Cubana Entertainment has ongoing classes in Cuban style salsa (casino) and rueda de casino classes in Seattle's International District. SALSAtlanta Created in 1999 by Julian Mejia, SALSAtlanta has been promoting Cuban music and dances and teaching Rueda de Casino and Casino dance, also known as 'Cuban Salsa' or 'Salsa Casino' in Atlanta and Athens GA. Salsa Rueda Passion seeks to educate the Minneapolis and Saint Paul communities through the dissemination and sharing of the history, culture, and art of Rueda de Casino dancing. Rueda de Casino was born in the casinos of Cuba in the 1950s to the sounds of the band 'Conjunto Casino.'


What is Salsa Rueda De Casino?

When you are at Cincinnati’s Salsa on the Square and you see more than two people all dancing salsa together, they are probably dancing “Salsa Rueda” or what is officially known as “Salsa Rueda de Casino.”

Salsa rueda is like American square dancing, but for salsa and in a circle not a square. In salsa rueda, two or more couples dance salsa patterns that are directed by one of the dancers, known as the caller. The caller will call out different Cuban salsa patterns that might involve switching partners, clapping, yelling, stomping, or just about any movement your creative mind can think of.

What does it look like?


Here is a video of people dancing rueda at Cincinnati’s Salsa On The Square:

Cuban Salsa Casino Rueda

Where did it all begin?

Cuba! In the late 1950s, but it was called “casino” and “rueda de casino”
Before the term Salsa began being used in New York City in the 1970s, this dance was called casino and rueda de casino, because it was danced at athletic recreation centers called “Casinos” in Havana, Cuba.

Here is a video interview with the founders of rueda de casino.

Since the 1980s, Casino & Rueda de Casino has been popular enough in Cuba to be broadcast consistently on a national television show called “Bailar Casino”. In Cuba, rueda is taken seriously. Different neighborhoods in Havana and other cities will compete against each other in competitions.

Here is a performance from a Cuban rueda de casino dance competition:

International Appeal

Casino & rueda de casino, has spread throughout the world. Dancers and events can be found in every nation. Lots of dancers creates the opportunity for flash mobs and mega ruedas!

Here is a Rueda Flash Mob in Venezuela!

Check out this video of the worlds largest rueda dance that was performed in Greece in 2014:

How much do I have to know?

Not as much as you think. And it depends on whether you are a leader or follower. Leaders have to know a bit more than the followers. Rueda combinations and calls are similar enough around the world that a dancer in one country can go to another country and participate in a rueda dance there. RuedaWiki has compiled an extensive directory of rueda moves.

You certainly don’t have to know them all, but you should know the patterns that involve switching partners at the very least. Some basic movements that involve switching partners include directo, enchufla, p’arriba, prima(adios), dame and dame dos. If you know these moves then you won’t disrupt the flow of the rueda circle.

Rueda cuban salsa

For moves you don’t know that don’t require switching partners, you can keep dancing the basic step until you hear a pattern called that you. Some basic turn patterns that don’t require switching partners are vacila, sombrero, exibela, guapea, and dile que no.


Dancer creativity has resulted in amazing variations in rueda. Various formations include rueda p’affuera, rueda llanta, rueda trebol, rueda dinamica, and rueda cruzad, just to name a few. Usually you only see advanced dancers dancing these formations at large conventions. Rueda llanta for example is a variation that creates two different circles one small and one large. Dancers can switch partners within the smaller circle or within the larger circle.

Here is a depiction of rueda llanta courtesy of RuedaStandard:

Salsa Rueda Festival

Where can I go to learn salsa rueda?

Any Cuban style salsa dance school teaches Rueda de Casino. There are also some really awesome festivals that focus on salsa rueda.

Visit these links to join rueda facebook groups to learn more:
Cincinnati Salsa All Events
Midwest Salsa Cubana Rueda Timba

I hope that you become as big a fan as I of salsa rueda de casino.

Salsa Rueda Moves

Come dance rueda with us at Salsa On The Square!

Una Bulla!
Robert Rice & Rachel Hrnyak, Cuban dance instructors.

Rueda Cuban Salsa

Latest posts by Robert Rice & Rachel Hrnyak (see all)